Saturday, February 20, 2010

Share a little sunshine

As I was on my way to work this week, I lost patience with my iPod, and elected to switch on NPR instead. And I was making my hour commute (one way), this story came on, which incensed me to no end. Was it because it was early and I was driving an hour (on a good day) to work? No, it's because this story further pointed out what idiots are running our state.

On Tuesday, NPR was reporting on Charlie Crist's new idea for job growth. Does it involve investing in our state to make it more appealing? No. Does it involve a new set of tax incentives that would lure businesses to relocate or open up shop down here? No. Apparently Crist, and all his people up in Tallahassee sat down and said, "Gee, we are in a bad state here. higher than average unemployment and underwater houses in parts of the state, people leaving for more stable places with lower property tax, and tourism is slumping because there's been a recession that's making people stay home. What do we do? I know! Lets invite our friends!"

What came out of this powwow is Share a Little Sunshine. My long-time readers know why this pisses me off. Everyone is hurting, across the nation, and Crist's idea to save our state is to invite our friends down to visit? Really? WTF are these people thinking? NPR quoted Crist as saying, "For every 85 people that come to visit, 1 job is created." Wow. So Mr. Crist, what kind of job? A nice stable, well-paying job like cleaning hotel rooms, parking cars or waiting tables? Because I know that's the kind of job that pays my bills year round. And I would like to know, how stable is that job? Is that a job that's created long-term? Doubtful, more likely its a six month job with no benefits and no stability. And what happens if a Katrina blows through Florida? Or another Andrew? Then tourism is shot for a good few years.

So my real question is this, Mr. Crist. Who are your advisors? What makes you think that leaning on one industry to support an entire state is a good business plan? Since we are already in such a dire position, does it really hurt to look into how we, as a state can diversify our assets? I mean, if this was your stock portfolio, I'm fairly certain your advisor wouldn't recommend putting all your money into one stock. It comes back to the age-old adage: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Even if the person holding the basket is a Kardashian sister.

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